El Salvador Andres Salaverria Anaerobic
Andrés Salaverría has been passionate about coffee growing since childhood. His family has been in the coffee-growing business for over a century, with farms in several regions of El Salvador. His family has been in the coffee business for over a century and has farms in several regions of El Salvador. He has been in the family business for 11 years and has completed a master’s degree in coffee economics. After returning to El Salvador in 2011, he focused on the coffee farms commercial, industrial, and administrative aspects.The family is dedicated to diversifying their products and adopting new processes.
The coffee at the San Francisco farm is grown in the shade, and harvesting is done selectively by hand, picking only fully ripe cherries. Social and environmental activities play a significant role in the daily activities of the farm and the family business. They always strive to provide the surrounding communities with health services and infrastructure for educational activities.

Basic information
Country of origin: El Salvador
Region: Apaneca-Ilamatepec, Ataco
Farmer: Andrés Salaverría
Altitude:1,200 masl
Variety: 100% catuai arabica
Grinding: Whole beans
Process: [tooltip text=”During processing, the coffee is enclosed in an airtight tank and under these conditions of natural fermentation.”]Anaerobic fermentation[/tooltip]
Purchase: [tooltip text=”Purchase from a warehouse.”]warehouse[/tooltip]
Taste: rosé, pomegranate, lime

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