Colombia Sebastian Gomez Natural


Colombia Sebastian Gomez Natural

17,00  113,00 

In the world of fine coffee, every cup tells a story, and amidst this rich tapestry of flavours, one variety reigns supreme: gesha. Cultivated with extreme care, Gesha is renowned for its unrivalled quality and distinctive flavour profile. This gesha was grown by Sebastian Gomez, a farmer whose passion for excellence is reflected in every harvest, and we found it during our tour of Colombia in the autumn of 2023.

Located in a remote area of Colombia, Sebastian Gomez’s farm is thriving under his watch. With respect for tradition and an unwavering commitment to innovation, Gomez grows coffee with an artisanal touch.

Sebastian Gomez processed this coffee using the natural method, a technique that allows the bean to ferment inside the fruit and adds a unique sweetness and depth to the final cup. As the cherries dry in the sun, they undergo a transformation, each grain absorbing the essence of its surroundings.

The result is a symphony of flavours where notes of apricot dance alongside hints of blueberry to create a sensory experience that is mesmerising. With each sip, the taste is captivating and reminiscent of a candy-like sweetness that lingers long after the drink is finished.

Estimated Delivery:
Jul 29 - 01 Aug, 2024

Rating & Review

Based on 5 Reviews
  1. Richard
    Sladké prekvapenie

    Tak toto je naozaj kávička na začatie výnimočného dňa. Chuťový profil na obale ju dokonale vystihuje. Ak by mi ju niekto už spravenú podal, ťažko by sa mi verilo, že k nej nepridal trochu cukru 🙂 je výborná a šálka po vypití kávy vonia ako salónka. Mňam!

  2. Blog o káve

    Gesha Colombia Sebastian Gomez zo slovenskej pražiarne Goriffee je doposiaľ najlepšie hodnotená káva v histórii recenzií Blogu o káve. Chute tejto kávy sú natoľko výrazné, že ich dokáže precítiť aj kávový laik. Chute sú veľmi intenzívne a extrémne si ich vychutnávam. Neviem si predstaviť, že by nám do recenzií niekto poslal ešte lepšiu kávu.

    Celkové hodnotenie: 47,5/50 bodov

  3. Marek

    Bez klišé skvelá káva. Nachystal som z nej 2x Coldbrew a oba batche boli extra chutné. Naozaj skvelé pitie Goriffee 👏

  4. Sebastián Kvašňák
    (verified owner)
    Veľmi chutná

    Káva mi veľmi chutí. Veľmi dobre chuť opisuje aj popis na obale. Určite si ju ešte objednám.

  5. Jakub Palic
    (verified owner)

    Tak táto káva je skutočný klenot. Naozaj vynikajúca sladká, ovocná káva. Čučoriedková sladká aftertaste naozaj pretrváva dlho po vypití.

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